Clients asked me to capture people, places, feelings, power, poetry, and joys: I was a self-employed professional photographer in Film and Digital times, for a total of about 37 years. My first professional photography -- 1967 -- was full-time summer Boston Globe photographer. I was given four to eight eastern Massachusetts assignments a day. We did all our own processing and printing. A glorious, hard-working three+ months surrounded by a cast of characters in the Globe's photography department and cementing my commitment to a photography career.
After US Navy service at sea I started that career: magazine assignments, lots of ski photography, by '73 I was living in Boston seeking clients in photojournalism, advertising, corporate, and commercial work - all on location.  In 1984 I built a studio space which opened up new client and image creation opportunities. In 1990 the studio added broader marketing communications projects with writing and design responsibilities.
Consulting followed in the 90's to US companies entering the digital photography marketplace. Digital was trying to supplant analog film capture. Companies needed to better understand shifting futures, and their new customers were foreign territory to their marketers. I spoke at Seybold and other industry venues, helped size new markets, and wrote case studies to illustrate market shifts.
Interesting Marketing Communications and Business Development staff positions came my way in the late 90's with digital camera sales, software supply-chain services, digital asset management, and short-run database-driven printing startups.
At a sharp turn off this road, I dove into public school teaching in 2000 while earning a Master of Education degree. We moved to Hawaii's Big Island in where I taught several different class levels in my small rural town’s public elementary school. A wonderful community and students.
I reentered professional photography in 2010, with clients that needed well-composed interior photos and impactful exteriors of high-end vacation rentals.
Since moving to Seattle in early 2017 my work's been personal. Here we are in wonderful Seattle, across busy Eliot Bay harbor from the downtown cityscape. A step from the house are Puget Sound views and vistas of the Salish Sea. 
Night walks with Jack, our dog, through surrounding streets are full of the little views seen here in the galleries labeled "One Dog Night".
Satisfying exercise for me, Jack, and my eye.
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